
Since incorporation and so far, our company has been developing electricity and natural gas services within the National Energy System (S.E.N.) respectively the National Transmission System (S.N.T.) and such services are destined for eligible customers, that conclude agreements with our company in the legal conditions of this liberalized, competitive market.

During the reporting period 2005-2015, no technical events occurred that might have caused impairments in our company’s electricity supply services.

Our company is in excellent relations both with the specific regulatory authority – ANRE, and also with all companies that concur for the optimum activity of the wholesale electric power market: Transelectrica – the National Power Grid Company, OPCOM – Commercial Operator of the wholesale market, OPE – Balancing Market Operator, Electricity Distribution Companies, but also with Natural Gas Distribution Companies, Transgaz – the National Company for Natural Gas Transmission, MAVIR and HUPX.
Coverage of non-performance and non-payment risks: according to the new Energy and Natural Gas Law (no. 123/2012), in order to have access to this market, both the clients and the suppliers must issue Bank Guarantees and / or Promissory Notes to secure payment and / or the good performance. Euler Hermes Insurance for the clients portfolio of Transenergo 90%.