
24/7 Electricity Trading

We trade electricity 24/7 with end-suppliers and other trading houses as well as specialized companies in renewable energy.

Transenergo’s trading business operates from our Bucharest headquarters and our Budapest office.
European electricity markets have developed tremendously over the last years, providing multiple opportunities for trading and optimization. Transenergo is an active participant on several trading platforms operated by national power exchanges or international power brokerage companies, looking for the best positions to buy or sell in the markets.

The company holds internal trading licenses in: Romania, Hungary, Germany, Austria and Bulgaria.
Hungary is also covered by a separate group company Transenergo Hungary KFT.
Besides this, the company is also involved in cross-border trading, more specifically exports in all countries where it is licensed.

Regulatory Reporting

ANRE – National Regulatory Authority for Energy
HEO – National Regulatory Authority for Energy
EWRC – Energy and water regulatory commission

Trading Platforms

OPCOM – Day Ahead Market (PZU)
OPCOM – Intra day market(PI)
OPCOM – Centralized market with double continous
negociation for Electricity Bilateral Contracts
OPCOM – Centralized market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts

TFS – Trading Platform
HUPX DAM -(day ahead market)
HUPX Ph.f – Physical futures
MEK – Scheduling Platform
KAPAR HU – Allocated Transport Capacity

TSO – Electricity System Operator (capacity and scheduling)
IBEX –Trading Platform

DAMAS RS – Capacity and Scheduling
SEEPEX –Trading Platform

EPEX SPOT – Trading Platform
TFS – Trading Platform
CAO – Allocated Transport Capacity

Split of operations by branch and locations

Trading products range

Physical Forward and Futures products. Exchange-traded contracts for delivery of a product at a future date.
Typically, these contracts are freely tradable and require that mark-to-mark profits and losses be settled every day through margin payments.
Spot Market (SPOT PRICE is the current market price at which electricity is bought or sold for dayahead payment
and delivery)
Service Agreement for Spot Market and cross-border bidding
Swap Agreements
Intraday Market
Optional Contracts
Balancing and Reserve Market
Financial Transactions – Energy Derivative – ISDA
In the European Union, under the licenses that we hold, TRANSENERGO is entitled to operate directly in 5 markets (Romania, Hungary, Germany, Austria and Bulgaria), but also in neighboring countries through contractual partners.
Our company concluded EFET Agreements with most professional electricity traders, local supply companies and power producers.
This way, TRANSENERGO has full coverage of the regional electricity markets and a deep understanding of the fundamental drivers and dynamics within the countries belonging to CEE/SEE region.

It is important to have an understanding of dynamics of electricity price in order to develop effective trading and risk management strategy. The company’s management is actively involved in mitigating the trading risks that TRANSENERGO is exposed.

Such comprehensive coverage enables our company to monitor and analyze interconnector capacities, flows and price differentials, in order to more effectively identify and seize opportunities. This data, combined with the physical resources, underpins our ability to hedge market risks, maximizing our business potential and the capitals involved.